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VP Education January Update 2025

Read what I've been up to in the past month.

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Giving Student Reps the Opportunity to Voice to the VC

As our university navigates financial constraints, ensuring a high-quality student experience remains one of my top priorities. At the recent Student Rep VC Meeting, I reinforced the importance of student voice in shaping institutional decisions and safeguarding academic and extracurricular opportunities. With students facing increasing pressures, I am committed to advocating for the resources and support they need to thrive.

QAA Student Priorities & Quality Assurance

I wanted to share the following priorities developed by the QAA Student Strategic Advisory Committee from our Away Day in November. It was great to develop this with QAA leadership and student representatives across the nations. The QAA will be releasing this in the following weeks. 


  1. Value for money

In the aftermath of the cost-of-living crisis, and with increasing concerns about the marketisation of the HE sector, students are increasingly reporting value for money as key in choosing an institution and programme of study. As SSAC, we want to discuss and then feed into QAA Board discussions about what value for money means in the context of quality assurance with the aim of influencing the agency’s thinking and work in this space.


  1. Assessment and feedback

In response to sector trends (especially related to lower NSS results across HEIs in this category), as a committee we’re interested in discussing several things: first, how students are assessed on their understanding of their subject; second, how assessment is diversified to address different students' needs and preferences; third, what feedback should be to really help students improve. The outcomes of the discussions will then be fed back to the agency to shape sector best practice in this area.


  1. Accessibility of language

As a committee, we would like to prioritise and promote the importance of accessible language used by institutions particularly around academic rules and regulations through our engagement with QAA and its board.  It is commonly reported by students that the language used by their institution is not easily understood. This, in turn, has consequences: 

  • Jargon and complex terms pose a barrier to effective communication to students; 
  • Students might be less likely to follow and understand guidance; 
  • This might cause students to abstain from seeking support from their institution; 
  • Where guidance is unclear/hard to understand, this could have repercussions on the successful outcome of study  (guidance around the use of AI is a current example of this).

Strategic Work & Mentimeter Findings

Throughout this academic year, I have engaged University Leaders in shaping our strategic direction. Through interactive tools like Mentimeter, I have gathered insights directly from students about their perception of the needs, concerns, and expectations of students. These findings are instrumental in informing my approach to education policy, student engagement, and institutional decision-making.

Southend Campus Opportunities Group (COG) & Senate

My work extends beyond the Colchester campus, with ongoing student engagement at Southend through the Campus Opportunities Group (COG). Ensuring representation across campuses is crucial in addressing diverse student experiences and maintaining a consistent standard of support. Additionally, discussions at Senate have provided me with a platform to voice student perspectives on university-wide policies, including academic regulations, student support services, and campus developments.

Term 1 Survey Insights

The results from the Term 1 survey have given us all a deeper understanding of student experiences, highlighting key areas that need attention. From academic concerns to student wellbeing, the feedback gathered is helping shape university policies and SU initiatives. We're launching an Insights platform to make student feedback more visible.

Here’s the stats from the end of term survey (1,004 respondents, with feedback from all 3 campuses)


  • Satisfaction with term 1: 92% of students said they were either satisfied or very satisfied with their experience at Essex in term 1
  • Belonging: 81% of students feel like they belong at Essex
  • Net Promoter Scores (as always it’s probably useful to explain what NPS is, how widely it’s used as a measure, and that the scale goes from -100 to +100 – for brownie points do a quick google of comparison NPS and you could say which companies these scores put us in the same league as)
    • University NPS (how likely would you be to recommend UoE to a friend or potential student?): +27  
    • Course NPS (how likely would you to recommend UoE to a friend or potential student): +29


  • I feel confident about my academic skills – 75% agree or strongly agree
  • I feel a sense of community on my course – 63%  agree or strongly agree
  • I feel I am able to engage with the opportunities that the University of Essex has to offer - 76% agree or strongly agree
  • Linked to the above question… If there are barriers to engaging what are they? (top answers) 
    • Anxiety – 26%
    • I need to prioritise paid work - 21%
    • Travelling is too expensive – 19%
    • My timetable doesn’t work for me – 17%
    • Lack of friends – 17%
    • My travel time is too long – 14%

AI in Education: Panel, Group & SU Work

The integration of AI into higher education is an evolving conversation. My engagement in AI discussions—through working groups, panel discussions, and SU-led initiatives—aims to ensure that AI tools are used ethically and effectively to enhance learning rather than replace critical thinking and academic integrity. I continue to explore how AI can support both students and staff in innovative ways while maintaining rigorous academic standards.

Essex Business School (EBS) Student Voice Project

A key initiative this year is the Essex Business School (EBS) Student Voice Project. This project seeks to amplify the voices of EBS students, ensuring that their concerns and suggestions are heard and acted upon. By working closely with faculty and leadership, I strive to enhance the overall student experience within EBS, from curriculum development to student support.

PGR Spotlight

Chloe has been leading on a PGR Spotlight event. The PGR Spotlight is targeted at both UG and PGT students who may be considering a Masters by Dissertation, PhD or other research degree. The event aims to combat myths about PG Research, provide information for the audience and inspire them to continue their academic journey. Details are still being finalised but the event will include presentations from current students, talks from staff, a Q&A with Alumni and a student/staff panel. The primary purpose is to change perceptions of research and inspire the next generation of researchers. The Spotlight is taking place on the 20th March from 2PM- 4.30PM.

Strategic Planning with Rebekah & Lewis

Strategic planning remains central to my efforts, and working alongside Rebekah (UEA) and Lewis (Suffolk), I have been developing long-term goals that align with student needs. These conversations help shape the broader direction of my SU representation and university policies, ensuring that my advocacy efforts have a lasting impact.

Fantastic day with UEA Students'​ Union Undergraduate Education Officer Rebekah Temple-Fielder đź“Ł, my excellent counterpart from the University of East Anglia in Norwich. Rebekah came to visit Essex so we could have a strategic planning day 👨🏼‍đź’» and discuss how we can best respresent students during a time of crisis for the sector. We have so many exciting ideas and it was a very insightful day 🤩.

Student Coaching Opportunity

