The Rules of Assessment explain what is required to pass each year of your course and how your award will be determined. They also tell you what will happen if you don’t pass a module.
There are standard rules that will apply to all Undergraduate or Postgraduate Taught courses, but some degrees will also have specific Rules or ‘variations’ that may apply only to them. Professional Doctorate Rules of Assessment and the Regulations for Research Degrees outline the rules and conventions for Postgraduate Research students.
The Board of Examiners are responsible for ratifying your results and confirming your outcome for the year or what awards you are eligible for. The Board of Examiners are also responsible for confirming what options should be given to a student if they haven’t passed a module(s). The options they will give are set out in the Rules of Assessment. The Board of Examiners will only offer different outcomes if a student has submitted Extenuating Circumstances that have been accepted by the University.