Essex students talking in The Atrium

Academic Issues

Academic support: helping you succeed

University can be challenging, and sometimes you might need support with academic issues. Whether you’re struggling with deadlines, need help understanding University policies, or want advice on extenuating circumstances, we’re here for you.

Check out the info below, and if you need more guidance, contact SU Advice to book an appointment.

Important Policies and Regulations

As a student it is important that you familiarise yourself with the Academic Regulations, Rules and conventions that the University of Essex set. There are many different documents to be aware of and understandably this can get quite confusing.

We have highlighted some of the key resources that we believe are vital for every student. These documents are designed to help you navigate your way successfully through University. You can find a link to all the University Regulations here.

The Rules of Assessment explain what is required to pass each year of your course and how your award will be determined. They also tell you what will happen if you don’t pass a module.

There are standard rules that will apply to all Undergraduate or Postgraduate Taught courses, but some degrees will also have specific Rules or ‘variations’ that may apply only to them. Professional Doctorate Rules of Assessment and the Regulations for Research Degrees outline the rules and conventions for Postgraduate Research students.

The Board of Examiners are responsible for ratifying your results and confirming your outcome for the year or what awards you are eligible for. The Board of Examiners are also responsible for confirming what options should be given to a student if they haven’t passed a module(s). The options they will give are set out in the Rules of Assessment. The Board of Examiners will only offer different outcomes if a student has submitted Extenuating Circumstances that have been accepted by the University.

Each department, school or centre produces a Departmental Handbook which should give you all the important information you will need to be aware of for your studies. This includes who to contact in your department, where to find additional sources of help or information, how to ensure you are referencing your work correctly and much more. Your handbook will usually be your first place to check if you have a question about your course. Every Student Handbook can be found here

The University expects students to complete all of their assessments with honesty and integrity. This means ensuring you use the correct academic conventions to reference your work and obtain ethical approval where necessary. If you fail to meet these expectations the University will investigate your work and may find that you have committed an academic offence. There is information and support available to help you understand what is expected of you, including moodle courses on 'Academic Integrity' and guidance on how to reference. See the guidance here