Hate Crime can be defined as:
Any incident, which may be a crime, which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hostility towards a person because of their:
- Race, ethnic origin, nationality
- Religion, Belief or Faith (including having no Faith)
- Gender identity
- Disability or perceived disability - including physical, sensory, mental ill health, learning disability or difficulty
- Sexual Orientation
Incidents may include verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation, threats, physical assault or damage to property.
WHat is a hate incident reporting centre (hirc)?
SU Advice is a Hate Incident Reporting Centre (HIRC).
HIRC's are community venues, where individuals can report hate incidents and hate crimes; either as a victim or a witness. HIRC's act as alternative place for reporting Hate Crimes/Hate Incidents rather than reporting directly to the Police.
A HIRC works in collaboration with Essex Police and other partner agencies to provide support and information during the reporting process.
Both the Students' Union and the University have a Zero Tolerance approach to harassment and bullying. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to ensuring our SU members and University community are free from harrasment, hate and bullying.
If you are the victim, or witness, to Hate Crime, you can visit SU Advice to receive support and information from a trained adviser. We can support you to report incidents to the Police and also provide advice and information about other support agencies.
We can also advise you on the University's internal processes to report issues of harassment and bullying and to ensure you receive appropriate support.