Step 1: Your Message
Before you create your campaign, really think about your message;
What do you want students to remember you for?
Why should they vote for you? Why are you the best person for the role?
Will students identify with it?
Step 2: Create your campaign
Pick an overriding theme or style to provide consistency! It could be anything from puns to your favourite film or music artist. You could also choose to create a theme around a specific idea you want to push.
Used a slogan that students will remember you by. A great idea is to link this to your name so that when it comes to voting, people remember you.
Your 3 Words
When you submitted your application, we asked for 3 words that you want to be known for. These will be used by Essex SU to promote you. They’re a quick, snappy way to stand out from the crowd.
Stand out from the crowd - choose campaign colours that are 1) easy for you to find campaign materials in 2) bold - will you be seen and 3) are different to other candidates colours.
Step 3: Bring your campaign to life on campus
Banners, Placards & Posters
Use banners, posters and print materials to bring your message alive. We’ll be hosting Banner & Placard Making sessions in The Atrium.
‘Uniform’ … or fancy dress!
Grab students attention! Dress in your campaign colours or buy a fancy dress costume that matches your theme! You want to stand out from the crowd! Have fun!
Stickers & Business Cards
You’ll receive business cards in your Candidate Welcome Pack - they include a QR code to the website and are a great way to engage students.
Step 4: Talk to students!
Be friendly, open and engaging
Think about where and when is best to approach students.
Have a few opening lines prepared to draw them in and make them feel comfortable.
Be yourself & be authentic.
Ask questions and give them time to think and respond.
Listen - really listen to what they have to say. Emphasise the importance of their feedback and they’ll take you more seriously.
Not every one will agree with you and that’s okay. Remember it’s a conversation, not a speech.
Top Tip: Having a pull, such as free sweets, often works well to engage students in a conversation (as long as you’re not asking for votes in exchanges for them!).
Step 5: Bring your campaign to life on social media
Where are students?
Think about the channels you want to be on. Are other students on them? Where can you convey your message best? A few you should consider are; Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat, and WhatsApp.
What are you comfortable with?
We’re not all superstars when it comes to being in front of the camera and that’s okay. Set your boundaries; what are you comfortable with? And then think about how you can create content on each channel.
Create & Be Consistent
Once you’ve decided if/what social media platforms you want to use, create the account. Use a handle @ that reflects your theme/slogan.
And start to create content! The top rules when creating content;
- Be consistent!
- Stand out, avoid boring and long winded updates.
- Be relevant and accessible.
- Interact with your followers!
These are the people who will support you throughout your campaign. They will strengthen your team and help you to spread your message.
They must be passionate about the SU Leadership Election and seeing you succeed!
And they must also abide by the rules.