We've hidden 1,000 campus cats across campus!
Find as many as you can by midday 5 March for your chance to win prizes.
To enter, collect as many tiny campus cat figures you can and bring them to :
Campus Cat Scavenger Hunt weigh in
12:00 Wednesday 5 March
Square 3
Go on the hunt with friends as part of a team or as an individual and there are several prizes up for grabs!
All cats are be hidden in easy to access areas - no need to risk your life for a cat!
There will be prizes for the most cats found, the golden cat and you will be entered into the Campus Cat Raffle for each cat returned.
Prizes include:
- Meow Cat Cafe visit
- Exploding Kittens game
- Campus Cat posters
- Coffee vouchers
- Pizza U Merch
- Cat apparel
- Squishy cat lamp
- Shopping & dining vouchers
& more