The Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies present their annual Launch Festival! Where undergraduate Drama students present their final degree pieces in a four day festival across both our stages.
Tickets to this event are free to all! Day tickets will allow you access to all performances that day, please book in advance if possible. Please book tickets for multiple days if you plan to attend more than one day!
Day 1 (Tuesday 13 May)
12pm to 1.15pm: Working Title TBC, by Melinda Hett, Tayi Mavunga-Akinti, and Sharon Adebayo
“A Macbeth inspired show about revenge and murder”
1.15pm to 2pm: Amy Dunne and Lady Macbeth, by Chloe Bareham
2pm to 2.45pm: Taylor: An actor’s journey playing Hamlet – suicide and mental health, by Tyler Woodhouse
2.45pm to 3.30pm: Working Title TBC, by Lolly Taylor
“A daughter confronts her father about the sexual abuse he subjected her to as a child (monologue – experimenting with various theatrical genres including Shakespearean tragedy/early modern, Brechtian etc.)”
3.30pm to 4.15pm: Lost/Found/Lost/Found, by Nathan Burke
“A man looks back to his younger, freer, vibrant self”
4.15pm to 5pm: Working Title TBC, by Katie Spelman (Studio)
“A play about a breakup”
5pm to 5.30pm: Young Carers, by Jess Brooks
“A Young carer struggles with caring for her disabled father”
Day 2 (Wednesday 14 May)
12pm to 1pm: Working Title TBC, by Emma Kopf
“A pregnant women in a bath hears a voice calling through the bath taps and pursues it in an attempt to find out more about the future of her unborn child in an era of climate change”
1pm to 1.45pm: The enactment and possible mechanism for the repair of a multiple personality disorder, by Corey Lee
1.45pm to 2.30pm: Her Name in the Sky (an adaptation), by Chiedze Maravesa
“A young gay Zimbabwean woman with Shona ancestry is discovering her sexuality and finds a letter from her grandmother introducing her to the various queer sexualities recognised by her pre-colonial ancestors”
2.30pm to 3.15pm: The dancer and their shadow, by Cerys Ferney
A dancer faces the isolation of competition & rejection as she tries to find work as a dancer.
3.15pm to 4pm: Political Satire, by Sally Hardy-Jones
4pm to 4.45pm: The Commodification of Black Culture, by Natasha Kabagweri
4.45pm to 5.30pm: The consequences of a technical malfunction in Space, by Matthew Duffield (Studio)
5.30pm to 6pm: Sea Poem, by Teah Bernard
“A nurse/midwife in the 1990’s experiences racism from her supervisor and takes action”
Day 3 (Thursday 15 May)
12pm to 12:45: Young Carers, by Jess Brooks
“A Young carer struggles with caring for her disabled father”
12.45pm to 1.30pm: Working Title TBC, by Katie Spelman (Studio)
“A play about a breakup”
1.30pm to 2.15pm: Lost/Found/Lost/Found, by Nathan Burke
“A man looks back to his younger, freer, vibrant self”
2.15pm to 3pm: Working Title TBC, by Lolly Taylor
“A daughter confronts her father about the sexual abuse he subjected her to as a child (monologue – experimenting with various theatrical genres including Shakespearean tragedy/early modern, Brechtian etc.)”
3pm to 3.45pm: Amy Dunne and Lady Macbeth, by Chloe Bareham
3.45pm to 4.30pm: Taylor: An actor’s journey playing Hamlet – suicide and mental health, by Tyler Woodhouse
4.30 to 5.30pm: Working Title TBC, by Melinda Hett, Tayi Mavunga-Akinti, and Sharon Adebayo
“A Macbeth inspired show about revenge and murder”
Day 4 (Friday 16 May)
12pm to 12.45pm: Sea Poem, by Teah Bernard
“A nurse/midwife in the 1990’s experiences racism from her supervisor and takes action”
12.45pm to 1.30pm: The consequences of a technical malfunction in Space, by Matthew Duffield (Studio)
1.30pm to 2.15pm: The Commodification of Black Culture, by Natasha Kabagweri
2.15pm to 3pm: Political Satire, by Sally Hardy-Jones
3pm to 3.45pm: The dancer and their shadow, by Cerys Ferney
A dancer faces the isolation of competition & rejection as she tries to find work as a dancer.
3.45pm to 4.30pm: Her Name in the Sky (an adaptation), by Chiedze Maravesa
“A young gay Zimbabwean woman with Shona ancestry is discovering her sexuality and finds a letter from her grandmother introducing her to the various queer sexualities recognised by her pre-colonial ancestors”
4.30pm to 5.15pm: The enactment and possible mechanism for the repair of a multiple personality disorder, by Corey Lee
5.15pm to 6pm: Working Title TBC, by Emma Kopf
“A pregnant women in a bath hears a voice calling through the bath taps and pursues it in an attempt to find out more about the future of her unborn child in an era of climate change”