Essex Blades MMA

No elections are currently running

Essex Blades Silver Standard emblem


Our university club trains at BKK Fighters who are responsible for creating a wealth of World-Class talent including UFC Superstars Arnold Allen who is currently ranked #7 in the UFC in the featherweight division, and Cory Mckenna so you know you are in good hands when you step through these humble doors.

Our very experienced and talented coaching staff is Sean Carter for MMA, who is a BJJ Black belt with over 15 years martial arts experience. Former Professional MMA fighter who was a Cage Warriors standout and World Title challenger Sean has seen and done it and fought all over the World. A grappling ace and submissions from everywhere Sean loves to coach and brings his fun coaching style to all classes. Gracie Barra Black-belt Sean heads up the BJJ development at BKK Fighters alongside fellow Black-belt Jason Cooledge under Professors Lee Catling and Jack Mason.

This professional-level training for a price you won't see anywhere else and a class full of your university student peers is an experience you don't want to miss out on.

Our 2024-2025 Instagram and WhatsApp pages are:


Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a full-contact combat sport which, unlike other combat sports, encompasses many aspects of fighting including striking, grappling and ground fighting.

As a result, MMA utilises many different disciplines such as Boxing, Muay Thai, Sambo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Judo, and many more.

Due to this, no two MMA fights will ever be the same, making it an exciting, dynamic and ever-changing sport to watch or participate in. A fight can be won through Knockout, Technical Knockout, Submission, or a tap out.

The two primary disciplines studied at the University Club are Muay Thai (striking) and NoGi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Grappling).

MMA is an individual sport and therefore we do not have teams, however, there are opportunities to enter into open meets throughout the year.


To be a part of the club, you need to join up as a member. The different club membership options are listed below with a description of what each membership covers. By purchasing a membership you are agreeing to the club's code of conduct.

Comfortable, non-restricting sports kit and a water bottle are all that’s needed. Gloves and pads are provided at the training sessions although your own are welcome. Gum Shields advised.


Please note that your membership information will be used in conjunction with Essex Sport (University of Essex) purely for the purpose of providing access to required facilities and data analysis. Your data will not be shared with anyone else or used for marketing purposes. Memberships are uploaded to the Essex Sport system manually and so it may take up to 5 working days before you are able to book onto your session via the Essex Sport app and attend training sessions.

Should you have any problems please email




5.00-6.00 PM

BKK Fighters, 1A Spurgeon St, Colchester CO1 2NS

All members welcome




Publicity and Communications Officer

Social Secretary


Vice President

Welfare Officer


No events planned. Check back soon!