News Article

Being a Student Rep is volunteering! You get rewarded!

Find out how to log volunteering hours on Chart My Path and have your work formally recognised.

At Essex, we reward volunteering and want to recognise the time and effort you put in to help yourself and others. You can log the time you spend as a Student Rep, whether it’s attending Student Voice Groups, collecting feedback or meeting others, and this will be recorded on this system so you can demonstrate the time and skills you have dedicated. The time you spend gets logged on Chart My Path and you can also use it to discover other extracurricular and voluntary opportunities available to you at Essex. When you log hours and submit relevant activities for verification, it counts towards the Big Essex Award and you can gain recognition for the activities you complete on your digital degree transcript.

Chart My Path features over 190 activities to help you gain skills for your life, studies, and future. Any student who is registered at the University of Essex can access Chart My Path and log activities to the Big Essex Award.

To get started, you will need to log into your Gradintelligence account.

Once you’re on the dashboard, head to the ‘Volunteering’ section. Then go to ‘Find Volunteering Activities’ and search for ‘Student Reps’, click ‘Log Hours’ and press ‘Add New’ whenever you want to log time for being a Student Rep. After you’ve done this once, just head to ‘Log Hours’ in future and it will remember what you’ve logged before.

You can then keep track of all your extra-curricular achievements by reflecting on activities you do on or off campus. From this, Chart My Path can suggest your next steps and provide you with a personalised timeline of your progress and achievements.

Ensure you log your Big Essex Award activities by 1 June deadline each year for them to be recognised the next time your HEAR updates, or on your final HEAR if you are a final year student.




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