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Your Best Places to Study on Campus

Fed up with studying in your room? Need a break from the same four walls? Don’t worry, we’ve had a wander round both the Colchester, Southend and Loughton campuses to find the best places to get your head down and study. It doesn’t matter whether you are someone who needs to study in silence or the type of student who needs a bit of a buzz around you, our guide will have something for everyone.

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By now you are most likely settling into university life and it may have just occurred to you that you need to find your own personal study space on campus! It goes without saying that Essex has many places that would allow you to feel relaxed and stress-free when trying to organize your own study timetable. 

We have have been on the hunt to help point out the best spots on campus to study to allow you to get the most from your studies. 

Need a bit of quiet?  

The Library  

If you fancy grabbing something to eat or drink to fuel your study sessions, you could pop into the Lakeside Theatre coffee shop located directly under the library for all your needs. There are also postgraduate study areas on the ground floor and a library reading room for those who prefer quiet when studying. If you prefer to work without distractions, you can book an individual study pods that give you the luxury of your own space! If you come to university and don’t have your own laptop, you can loan these out of the library too! 


Lime House 

Shhhhhh… don’t tell anyone about this one! Lots of people don’t realise but there is a cracking study space just off from the secret garden. Here you will find study pods, whiteboards and projectors. Perfect for individual or group study. And it tends to be really quiet!  


Need a space with a bit of a buzz?  

The Silberrad Student Centre 

Located on square 5, the Silberrad Student Centre offers something for all students. Whether that be when you have to carry out group work in one of the group study spaces, or if you need some advice from the student development zone or help with computer issues at the IT helpdesk. What’s more, if you enter the building and turn right there are several comfy chairs looking out over the lake which provide the ideal setting for a few hours work.  

The Orangery 

Located in Zest on square 3, the Orangery is the place for co-working with other students. With this space offering its own computers and screens, it is ideal when trying to complete a revision session or group assignment. In fact, as part of this there is a range of food and drink available for you to have as a break between studying at Zest.  


SU Bar 

It may not seem the obvious place to study but remember Dylan Thomas and Oscar Wilde produced some of their best work whilst sitting in a pub. Who knows what inspiration you will find whilst people drink pints in front of you!!  


Need some vitamin D to keep you motivated?  

The Lakes 

Whenever you feel you need to have a break from studying, or if you simply need some time to reflect on your studies, the Lakes just off of square 5 are ideal for this. You can even bring your own food and have a bbq with some friends or sit down on one of the many benches to enjoy your own space. This area is very popular with students in the summer and is a perfect place to study on your own or with others! 


The Southend campus has some amazing buildings where you can set up to study and rehearse.  

Need a bit of quiet? 

The Forum. 

The Forum has loads of places to set up camp and study, including quiet study rooms like TF.2.14 and open study spaces and computer labs.  

There are also some brilliant “study pods.”

Need a space with a bit of a buzz? 

The SU Lounge is your space. If you are someone who likes to study where there is a bit of atmosphere you are always welcome here! 

East 15 students can also book rehearsal space at the Clifftown Theatre studios.  

Need some vitamin D to keep you motivated? 

Head down the highs street and set up base on the seafront. It’s a great place for some group study and revision in the summer months. Just make sure you bring a hat in the winter!!  



Need a bit of quiet? 

The library team at Loughton love seeing actors, directors and technical students in training visit the library. There are brand new computers installed and a host of specialist literature covering the arts. 


Need a space with a bit of a buzz? 

The Corbett Café and Bar. 

This is a great place to grab a coffee (or something stronger in the evening) to run lines with other people. We have even seen students practice their singing and mime work here!  


Need some vitamin D to keep you motivated? 

Loughton has a beautiful campus, so take advantage of the green spaces, rehearse in the open air and get some much-needed vitamin D whilst doing it!  




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