News Article

Second-guessing your course? You’re grand, you can swap.

Remember that time you took a shot and that little voice in your head whispered “I think we’ve just made a catastrophic mistake there...”, and there was no coming back from it? And you paid the price the next day? Well thankfully, if you feel like you may have chosen the wrong course, there’s no price to pay, and you can come back from it. Give this guide a little read, it’ll show you what else is out there, and how you can change courses.

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Enjoying the course you are studying is one of the most important facets of your time at University.

Your course should be testing, stimulating and inspiring enough to get you out of bed in the morning! If you feel like you may have picked the wrong course, follow our simple guide before making any decisions.  

Step 1… 

Talk to someone. Whether that’s a family member, personal tuto, flat mate of someone from the SU Education Team, talking through your concerns around your course will definitely help. A third party may be able to help you work out if it’s just early nerves or a problem that is not going to be solved by toughing it out.  


Step 2… 

Sleep on it. If you still feel the same way after a good night’s sleep, the chances are you the nagging doubt you have may be genuine. Equally you may feel that it’s worth giving it a few more lectures before making a decision. Remember the majority of courses have dozens of different modules so don’t make an assumption based on one class.  


Step 3… 

So you’ve chatted to others, had a good sleep and givn a couple of modules a go. But… you are still not enjoying the course. Don’t worry. This is not the end to your time at Essex. You can apply to change courses. If you begin your studies in October 2021, the deadline for requests to change course within the current year is?Friday 22 October 2021?(week 3). You can access the change of course on-line for here 


And remember, throughout your time at Essex you are never alone. Your SU is here to support you with everything from academia (that’ll be through your lovely Education Team) through to activities and nights out. Check out for more info!  




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