News Article

Blended Learning: To Zoom or Not To Zoom, That Is The Question.

So, some of you might be familiar with (and potentially sick of hearing) the term “Blended Learning”, whilst others might be feeling as lost as you might find yourself at 2am in Sub Zero. However, thanks to your Education Team at The SU, we’ve written an entire article on it, detailing what it is, why its there, and what to expect, so you’re left feeling as up-to-date as that pint of milk in your fridge…? (Of which I’d probably check by the way.)

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You are probably fed up of hearing it but this year looks set to be pretty unique in terms of your University experience! By now you will have received your timetable from your department and are likely to see a mixture of both face to face and on-line lectures and seminars.  

Your SU Education Team have broken down what to expect and what to look out for in the early weeks of term.  


So what is blended learning??  

Blended learning ensures that students can experience both in person and on-line learning throughout term 1. It is likely that your department will schedule a mixture of these types of classes throughout the term. Good old-fashioned in person teaching should be occurring across all departments but in addition to this there is likely to be on-line learning through:  

  • webinars 

  • lectures and tutorials in the University’s virtual learning environment 

  • collaborative discussions 

  • group project work using social media or other meeting platforms like ZOOM, WhatsApp or Messenger 

The University expects the vast majority of students to return to their campuses ready for the start of the academic year however due to Covid there are some exceptions to this. 

If you have a concern about your timetable or want the University to hear your opinion about blended learning you can complete our live feedback form and we will ensure your feedback reaches the right people.  




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