News Article

Got an in-person Exam? We've got your back!

Exams come in all shapes and sizes but a number of assessments are now back to being in person. Read on for all you need to know about in person exams at Essex.

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Got an in-person exam? We’ve got your back!
It’s fair to say the last few years have been a bit of a roller-coaster when it comes to
exams. On-line assessments have become the norm over the last few years and
many assessments will still occur remotely.
However, as you may have seen from your exam timetable many have returned to
the in-person format. Some of you may not have sat a traditional in person exam
since your GCSE days! So, if you find yourself in this situation, read on for our guide on
all you need to know about in-person exams.

Bring proof of I.D!
For all in person exams you will need your registration card and an exam entry form
(this also contains your 4-digit candidate number). Place these face up on your desk
when you get to seat.
You can print the entry form by visiting 

Get there in plenty of time
Find out exactly where your exam is taking place and get there 15 minutes before it
is due to start. Better to be 5 minutes early than 5 minutes late!

Exam Conditions means silence!
Unless otherwise stated as soon as you are in the exam room then exam conditions
apply. That means no talking or communicating with anyone

Keep your desk clear!
Unless you have been given specific permission to bring equipment/notes (as in you
are doing an open book exam), just bring the appropriate stationary to your desk.
Remember pencil cases aren’t allowed!

Phones go under the desk
When you arrive at your seat, you will find a clear plastic bag. Turn your pone off
and place it in the bag and then put it under your desk.

Only water allowed!
No food or other drinks other than a clear bottle of water are allowed in exams.
Make sure you have a snack before you go in. We recommend a banana or an
energy bar.

Now show them what you’re all about!
Read the questions carefully and give it your best shot. If you need someone to talk
to after your exams just drop an email and we will arrange a




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