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Neurodiversity and succeeding at uni

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As a neurodiverse student in my second year at the university, there are some things I have learnt over my first year that I wish I had known sooner. Being a university student is difficult in itself, but neurodiversity can add another layer of challenge to that, and this article will aim to give you some advice about how to make the most of your university experience. So, let’s get into the useful stuff!

The first piece of advice I have is to set yourself a weekly structure. For many of us, university is our first time living away from our home, and so building yourself a loose structure for the week will help you to stay organised and avoid burnout. I am terrible at sticking to plans, so I made sure the structure was loose. For me this meant giving myself a two hour wake up window each day and a two-hour sleep window each night, to make sure I was maximising my time whilst also keeping the flexibility I needed. I also picked two days each week when I would do no extra academic work, to make sure I was rested and had the ability to focus the other days. I know it feels tempting as a neurodiverse person to expect a lot of yourself, but you must remember that the gentler you are with yourself, the more space you allow for those endorphins that help with focus.

My favourite thing, I have had in my weekly structure is a Sunday reset. Sunday resets are magical days where you do no academic work (I usually include this as one of my two days off) but do all the adulting jobs you need to get done. This could be washing, planning out your next week, doing your food shopping, or anything you need to set yourself up for the coming week. As a neurodiverse person, I find that when I push myself too hard and get burnout, the first thing that goes is my ability to take care of myself. I have found having this dedicated day of admin and self-care has kept me organised, but also allowed me to check back in with myself, and make sure both my body and mind are nurtured.

It may seem simple, but setting yourself an attainable structure for the week, could allow you to prevent overwhelm and anxiety, and make the most of your time. If you need any advice with timetabling you could speak to the Student Wellbeing Service, SU advice or even the library (they run great sessions on managing time).

That brings me nicely onto my next point, which I cannot stress enough. If you are struggling, ask for help. This sounds self-explanatory, but it’s so easy as people with additional needs to think asking for helps makes you difficult or bothersome. I guarantee you it doesn’t. Something that I have realised since I started here, but also working within the SU, is that this university and the people here want nothing more than to see you succeed.

If you are struggling to understand something, or your mental health has taken a dip, or you perhaps need access arrangements, contact lecturers, student reps, departmental staff, SU advice or personal tutors. While staff may not always know exactly how to help, they can signpost you to the correct place, so you can get advice.

Your neurodiversity does not make you a burden, so please, please make the most of the incredible people we have throughout this university. I will share the mentality that has helped me: You deserve to take up space in this world and your neurodiversity does not define that. So, use resources, ask for help and know that people are here to support you and cheer you on.

My final piece of advice took me a long time to get my head around. Not all your work will be your best work. That doesn’t mean that not all your work will be your best efforts. It simply means that sometimes all you have is about 40% of your best self, and if that is all you can give, then you are giving what 100% looks like for you in that moment. Neurodiversity takes a big toll on our lives and there will be days, or sometimes even weeks, where the majority of your mental energy is focussed on being a functioning human. That is okay! Be kind to yourself and understand that you are doing what you can, it might not be what you want to produce, but it is all you have and that is enough. For me this might look like splitting long readings with friends to avoid burnout or rewarding myself with a sweet treat when I have done even a small amount of work. Not everything has to be perfect, sometimes it just needs to be done well enough to get you to the next step. Try your hardest, but remember you are not superhuman, and at the end of the day all you can do is and amount of work that doesn’t risk your mental health. The reading you didn’t make very good notes on will not define your degree, so don’t let it define your life.

I hope these little bits of advice are useful to any other neurodiverse students out there. University has the potential to be the best experience of your life so far (it has been for me) so take care of yourself and allow yourself to get the most out of it. Neurodiversity does not make you any less capable, it just means being kind to yourself is essential. Remember, you may just be a little dot in the universe, but you are strong and powerful, neurodiverse or not.


Written by Jenny West

Arts and Humanities Faculty Convenor
