Council Blog
Happy Spring! Here is what I have been up to since we last met:
Crest for Merchandise
Finally met with the university about the usage of the crest on our merchandise. We put forward a proposal with links to other insitutions and companies using it. Looking positive!
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Created a campaign to give away plants and started a Pay it Forward Coffee Wall. Included Green Thumbs and Sustainable Students Society!
Southern Unions Conference
The Student Leaders attended their final Southern Unions Conference!
We learned and shared best practices with other sabbatical officers and listened to some really interesting external and internal speakers.
Supporting students on different projects
Just Giving Closet – supporting the marketing and content creation, connecting them with relevant members of the community.
End of year collection: Met with Luca, Sustainability Rep, to start a project on collecting cookware, clothes, homeware etc then we can give back to students
Educational Campaign with Pal Soc: Have met with Pal Soc twice to develop this. I now need to meet with the Societies team about it. Will be inviting council members next week to a meeting or sending an email about the campaign, I wanted to consolidate plans with Pal Soc first before bringing in Council members.
Charity sports event: Supporting student to develop a charity sports day for OddBalls.
Student Priorities Paper: The Student Leaders have begun the process of writing a student priorities paper that we will send to the new Vice Chancellor, University Council, and Senate.
What else I have been doing:
- Attending Life Sciences SVG’s
- Essex Abroad
- Supporting Essex Abroad on raising awareness of funding opportunities
- Supporting Natalie (Faculty Convenor Science & Health Undergraduate) who is supporting on the Education Big Plan. Natalie is researching best practices from regional and international partner institutions
- Many meetings on Academic Calendar!
- Meeting with lots of candidates for elections
- Supporting International Women’s Day game
- SHAG week podcast
- Two Rebellion podcasts!
- Met with BBC Essex to discuss the positive impacts of International students on the Essex Community