News Article

What's it really like to be a Student Trustee?

The role, the perks and how to apply. Applications are now closed for 24/25.

Applications are now closed for 24/25.

Joining the SU Trustee Board in 2021 I had little knowledge of what the SU was or what being a trustee involved. It all seemed very serious, and I questioned whether I was the right fit for the role.

Three years later, I'm sure it was one of the best decisions I made at university.

My role as an SU Student Trustee

I worked with three Student Leader teams under the Presidency of Samira, Nashwa, and Kieran. Every year there was a different style of leadership, so it was interesting to see how that changed throughout my time as a Trusee.

I was part of the Union Performance Committee and Human Resources Committee, which I also co-chaired for one year.

What actually is a Trustee?

A Trustee is a Volunteer who assists in deciding and planning the strategic direction of a charity.

Trustees at Essex SU are responsible for the management and administration of the organisation. They are distinctively different to Student Leader, SCO, or Council Rep roles. You use your own knowledge and experience to represent the views of the student body, rather than collecting and representing student views as an elected officer may do.

Under the CC3, Trustees have six key duties:

  1. Carry out purposes for the public benefit
  2. Comply with the governing document
  3. Act in the SU’s best interests
  4. Manage the SU’s resources responsibly
  5. Act with reasonable care and skill
  6. Ensure accountability

In the context of Student Unions, a Student Trustee supports the elected Student Leaders, Directors and Trustees to ensure the SU maintains good financial and legal governance as required by the Charities Commission.

But what does this ACTUALLY mean?

As a student trustee you would be a member of 1 sub-committees and (6 per year) and attend 6 trustee board meetings. Each meeting requires 30 minutes or so of preparation by reading through the relevant documents.

What sub-committees could I sit on?

  • Audit & Risk
  • Health & Safety
  • Union Performance
  • Human Resource
  • Tackling Racism.

*Note that some of these positions could already be filled

Other perks?

  • Christmas and Summer Staff Party
  • Invitation to Awards week
  • Free entry to Sub Zero
  • Amazing networking opportunities with University Staff and Alumni

Why should I apply?

It will look great on your CV but also…

Being a student trustee develops a wide array of interpersonal and professional skills. In this role, you will work alongside professionals, gaining valuable governance skills and knowledge. You will also build confidence in expressing your ideas and criticisms to professionals, helping you leave imposter syndrome behind. Additionally, you will gain a better understanding of how charities are managed and the leadership mechanisms behind them. This experience includes handling confidential information and managing the university’s finances.

Being a student trustee also contributes to your Big Essex Award allowing you to gain up to 11 units!

If you're interested in applying...

Please contact Caron Moor for more information.



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