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Who are we?
The Psychoanalysis Society is open to anyone with an interest in Psychoanalysis. In our events, we seek to explore how such notions as the unconscious can aid our understanding of clinical, political, and psychosocial phenomena. We are also interested in interdisciplinary dialogues between psychoanalysis and philosophy, literature, politics, and film. We host open forums every Tuesday, and a reading group each Sunday. A small selection of our past open forums include: Lacan With Antigone; What’s So Funny About The Phallus?; ‘Bion’ The Pleasure Principle; Intro To Schizoanalysis; Freud, Neurology, And Psychoanalysis; and Which Hegel?.
Whether you are an expert in the field of Psychoanalysis wanting to find likeminded people, or just want to learn something new, all are welcome in the Psychoanalysis Society!
When do we meet?
Events every week, rain or shine!
Open Forums: Every Tuesday at 6pm, room 3.320
Reading Group: Every TBD, room TBD
What are our socials?
WhatsApp: [NOTE: WhatsApp is currently approval-only due to bot spam.]
Instagram: @essexpsychoanalysis
Facebook: Essex Psychoanalysis Society
Otherwise, you may contact us at :)
If you would like to join a group please pick the appropriate membership. Please contact the group committee if you have any queries about which membership is right for you.
You must be a member of this group to vote in their elections.
These are the annual elections to decide who will lead your society/club into the next academic year. Please note that all who are elected will assume their roles as of 1st August, unless agreed upon by both the newly elected exec member and the current exec member that they will handover sooner.
6 posts are up for election.
Nominations close at 13:00 on Wednesday 12 March 2025 (in 8 days)
The polls open at 10:00 on Monday 17 March 2025 (in 12 days)