The brazilian Society aims to provide a welcoming environment for any person who is either Brazilian, Portuguese speaking, or generally interested in Brazilian culture! We’ll do this by sharing as much of our culture in the form of social gatherings, content on our social media and openness to answer any questions regarding Brazilian culture. 

We also aim to be a point of contact and support for Brazilian students who find themselves studying far from home, in a completely different environment. We aim to make them feel as close to home as possible in Essex, whilst making new friends and learning more about English culture.

and lastly, we aim to promote a healthy lifestyle, in all aspects, whether it be physical, mental or social. The experience of living away from home can be quite daunting for most students, given it is their first experience of independence. Because of this, it can be easy to neglect aspects of our general health. We want to be a point of contact for our members to approach when they need a helping hand, whether it be from homesickness all the way through to finding ways to maintain healthy whilst at university.

We hope to create a wonderful enivronment for you at the university!



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