Computer Science & Electronic Engineering

The No. 1 society for all CSEE Students Join us on Discord! - Winner of 'New Society of the Year 2022'

Welcome to the CSEE Society!

The Definitive Place for all Essex CSEE Students

New Society of the Year 2022 Winner!



The Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Society (CSEE Society) aims to provide a central hub for all CSEE students to talk and socialise, from discussing current technology to bantering about CSEE related topics. We were formed as a result of lockdown and wanting to be able to talk to other students when we couldn't see each other face to face, so we're social focused. We are the definitive place for all CSEE Students to communicate, featuring over 800 members from across all year groups in the Discord, and over over 175 registered Society members in the academic year 2022-2023.

As well as this, we have created a place for peer-to-peer sharing and teaching - we've seen that learning from peers has been very beneficial to people's grades, and overall understanding of the world of CSEE outside the university context too. So, if you're someone who wants to know more about CSEE, or think you have knowledge that you can impart to others - this is the place for you!



Throughout the first two terms, we aim to hold games nights once a week, on the weekends, and semiregular in-person socials, to encourage CSEE students to go outside a bit more (we know you like your comfy chairs, but it's good to get fresh air). You can check our events page here, or the tab on Discord for more up-to-date information on these. During these terms, we also hold revision sessions for progress tests, or exams, to help people achieve those higher grades, and during the 2021-22 Christmas break we held our first 48 hour Hackathon, where multiple teams competed to produce the best game within those 48 hours.

During the final term, we kick it up a gear and host a whole ton of study sessions for exams, known as 'Revision Session Season' - we try and host at least one revision session for each exam taking place that year, where we go through difficult topics, past papers, or anything that people want to cover before the exams.

All of these events are Society Member only, so be sure to get your FREE membership to gain access to these.



Membership is completely free - you get access to all events we hold, which include in-person socials, online game nights, our set of summer challenges, and most importantly, our 'Revision Session Season' series of revisions sessions during exam time. You also get a super special role in our Discord server, which gives you special permissions such as uploading new emotes for us to use, or sharing your screen in calls. Below is a full list of the perks you get from joining the society:

- Access to all society events that we hold which includes:
    - Discord Game Nights
    - In person socials
    - Hackathons
    - Revision Sessions

    - CSEE Parties (Either early or exclusive access)
- Discord Perks, including:
    - Screen share capabilities in calls
    - Adding new emojis to the server
    - A special role above everyone else
- The ability to join our Society Meetings, to suggest ideas and listen in to what we are discussing and planning, and to vote in executive elections and any other votes throughout the year.


Almost all of our events and socialising happen on our Discord server, which you can join below. You can even join if you don't want to be a society member! Click the link below to get teleported to our Discord server, where you can get started talking to other CSEE students :)


Join the Discord server here:



Events Manager




Welfare Officer

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If you would like to join a group please pick the appropriate membership. Please contact the group committee if you have any queries about which membership is right for you.


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Upcoming events


You must be a member of this group to vote in their elections.

Committee Elections No elections are currently running


You must be a member of this group to view resources.