Enactus Essex

Reasons to join.... Join a global network of students who are ambitious for the SDGs! We invite you!Benefit from the various resources we share with our members! We are so EN-ACT-US Essex! Are YOU?

ENACTUS stands for...

ENtrepreneurial - having the perspective to see an opportunity and the talent to create value from that opportunity.

ACTion - the willingness to do something and the commitment to see it through even when the outcome is not guaranteed.

US - a group of people who see themselves connected in some important way; individuals that are part of a greater whole.


What is Enactus?

Enactus supports students & young people across the world to engage in social action and social enterprise.

At Enactus Essex we are dedicated to creating a better world whilst developing our members into the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders and social innovators. 

In the UK, there are over 2,600 students in over 60 universities collaborating with leading academics, alumni, and business advisors from over 20 leading companies to create hundreds of student-led businesses, impacting over 16,000 lives each year.

Enactus Essex is open to all students, no matter their background, degree subject, speciality, or anything else - we’re an incredibly diverse bunch of people united by our common passions, which is to make a real difference in the world. Being a part of Enactus Essex will give you the unique opportunity to develop leadership and professional skills through learning, practising and teaching the principles of social enterprise, thereby improving the living standard for millions - you're also 50x more likely to be hired by one of our sponsor companies by getting involved. 

Join us on the general members group for updates on

WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ixds03PfhzhGiGVfGN9VMr 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61572432966571

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?utm_source=ig_contact_invite&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_content=wyaubcq


President: Sharon Stella Musonza (PhD Health Research(Economics) - Insititute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)

Vice President: Emmanuel Larbi Offei (PhD in Economics) - Department of Economics

Treasurer: Frank Addae (Master of Arts in Economics) - Department of Economics

Welfare Officer: Lakshmipriya Valiyaparambil Muraleedhara (Masters in International Commercial and Business Law) - Essex Law School 

Social Media Coordinator: Sarah Bo Ryu Young - Bachelor of Science in Accounting - Essex Business School (EBS)





Social Media Officer


Vice President

Welfare Officer

Join group

If you would like to join a group please pick the appropriate membership. Please contact the group committee if you have any queries about which membership is right for you.


Please log in to join this organisation.


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Upcoming events

5th March 6pm - 8pm
Innovation Centre
We Are ENACTUS! and we want to meet you over Pizza & Snacks. Let's create memories and you can also take your polaroid pictures home! See you on the 5th of March
Society Event


You must be a member of this group to vote in their elections.

Committee Elections No elections are currently running
