So that we can help you to make the most of your experience at Essex, tell us about yourself 👇
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Welcome to the SLT society!
We are an exciting society that aims to unite current and prospective SLT students or anyone with a passion for communication and SLT, through social events, collaborative learning, academic ventures and fund raising!
We want to promote the critical importance of communication and raise the profile of the SLT service so that its role and value is understood and appreciated by a wider audience. We also want to facilitate our own learning and professional development within SLT by sharing knowledge and engaging in a range of interesting academic and practical pursuits!
If SLT is important to you, join the speech and language therapy society and help us raise awareness of this wonderful profession and the wide variety of people it supports
Society’s aims
Society’s objectives
We do not have a regular meeting time or day; instead we contact our members to let them know about upcoming events, talks and fundraisers.
If you would like to join a group please pick the appropriate membership. Please contact the group committee if you have any queries about which membership is right for you.
You must be a member of this group to vote in their elections.