Alwan's Aim
This society is dedicated to exploring the artistic traditions and innovations that have shaped Arab and Mediterranean cultures throughout history and continue to inspire the world today. This is inclusive of fashion, music, dance, mosaics and more. Importantly, this society is open to anyone who shares a passion for and curiosity about the arts of these cultures.
However, it's not just about learning, but celebrating, connecting and sparking conversations.
Ideas on some events that we will be hosting include:
Socials: It's always a blessing to meet and interact with new people.
Quiz and Game nights: Beware of these nights because you know there will be a lot of screaming and laughter, so dont forget your ear plugs and make sure to go to the washroom before.
Parties: You are now in the Arab world and, everyone knows, we know how to have an unforgettable night!
Dance classes: Who wouldnt want to learn the famous Dabke? but remember each Middle Eastern country has their own little twist on the Dabke, so we will surely teach and show you the varieties!
Poetry classes and show: Have you read some of arabic song lyrics? How do they write so powerfully that I end up crying even harder while doing an essay? We must find out together and try recreate it!
Comedy nights: bring your best jokes and share!
Calligraphy (Khatt): Khatt is such a beautiful artistic way of writing. Let's try it out together!
Those ideas are just a bit of what we have in the works for you! Don't hesitate to share any other ideas you would like to see, remember our priority is your enjoyment. We are always here to listen and try our best to give you exactly what you want.
So if this society sounds like it's for you, and trust me it is, make sure to support us by following our instagram, buying the membership and joining our whatsapp groupchat!