No elections are currently running

Ice skating was officially recognised as a sport in 1876 and is the process of gliding across an icy surface on metal blades attached to the botom of shoes (skates).
It is also a popular activity to do recreationally. Since being recognised as a sport, it has given rise to two distinct forms of skating: speed skating, which is a form of racing on skates and figure skating, which involves the peformance of various dance movements, spins and jumps.
We are a brand new club looking to offer opportunities for people to ice skate. Currently, there are no specific competition teams.
To be a part of the club, you need to join up as a member. The different club membership options are listed below with a description of what each membership covers. By purchasing a membership you are agreeing to the club's code of conduct.
Please note that your membership information will be used in conjunction with Essex Sport (University of Essex) purely for the purpose of providing access to required facilities and data analysis. Your data will not be shared with anyone else or used for marketing purposes. Memberships are uploaded to the Essex Sport system manually and so it may take up to 5 working days before you are able to book onto your session via the Essex Sport app and attend training sessions.
Should you have any problems please email