So that we can help you to make the most of your experience at Essex, tell us about yourself 👇
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We want to make your time here in Essex even more exciting by organising several day trips in different parts of the UK. Both the executive committee alongside with the members will decide the places to visit! Our plan is to organise a different trip each month based on your suggestions, moreover, if the circumstances allow it, we would like to organise a trip to another country at the end of the year!
Don't miss out on this opportunity, join us and share all your travel experiences and favourite destinations with people that share the same love for traveling, as you do!
Contact Us: (President)
Instagram: essex_travelsociety (follow to keep up with the latest events and trips)
Whatsapp: Group (join the Whatsapp chat for quick info)
If you would like to join a group please pick the appropriate membership. Please contact the group committee if you have any queries about which membership is right for you.
You must be a member of this group to vote in their elections.