Our Aims
For 2023-24, our goals are to provide our members with the perfect environment to make new friends, watch anime, and participate in a broad variety of activities!
We do this by holding weekly discussion of Anime, with themes differing week to week to fully explore all that Anime can offer. Feel free to come to see what interests you, but you'll always find a hidden gem if you try something new!
Also weekly, are our Manga Cafe. We love these because they serve as a friendly atmosphere! They are laid back and lowkey, you can bring some snacks or take a friend with you as well!
We regularly hold trips to conventions (heavily discounted for members), manga exhibitions, and japanese restaurants. We have regular collaborations with other societies, from Super Smash tournaments to Japanese lessons to charity projects or even Cosplay - join our server to see if there are anuy new collabs and if you are a society exec? Feel free to shoot us a dm if you want to collab!
To top it all off, we are always open to new suggestions or ideas to improve!
Come join our group to meet the current members and execs! You won’t regret it!
Map to our Rooms
To LTB 8 for Viewings

To 5S.4.19 for Game Nights
Contact Us
If you want to join our quirky family, then log in and pay for membership now - if you would like a little taster come to one of our sessions, or have any questions then contact us we don't bite... much.
Our Discord
Feel free to contact any of the execs in our Discord under the Gods roles. Discord and email are our main platforms for information and announcements, so make sure to keep a eye out for those!

On Instagram
Shows the society in a more personal view.

Our Events & Meeting Times

Autumn Term Sessions
Anime Sessions
Every Friday
18:00 - 23:00
LTB (Lecture Theatre Building) 8
Manga Cafe Nights
Every Sunday
18:00 - 20:00
Spring Term 2024 Sessions
Our first taster sessions will be a mixture of movies, regular meetings and socials so you can really get a feel for what we're getting up to:
Anime Sessions
Every Friday
18:00 - 23:00
Manga Cafe Nights
Every Sunday
18:00 - 20:00
Summer Term 2024 Sessions
Anime Sessions
Every Friday
18:00 - 23:00
Manga Cafe Nights
Every Sunday
18:00 - 20:00
What We Do for Fun
Society Perks of Membership

So what are you waiting for? Come down and meet us all today, because we want to meet you, see you soon! - from everyone.